Monday, November 06, 2006


Last Friday I visited the Battersea Power Station with Marie: it was the last chance to see it inside before the construction site will be opened and the building won't be accessible to the public until 2011.

The size of the building is really impressive especially from the outside.
Only certain parts of the station were accessible to the public: the main hall which will be occupied in the future by a huge red spiral and which will have a roof of glass and the upper floors of the right wing of the station.

The Station has been acquired by a society from Hong Kong called Parkview International and what they are planning to create is a multifunctional centre with offices, an auditorium, a hotel, a ballroom, a riverside ballroom and some blocks of flats.
I personally think that it is a brilliant idea to convert the power station into a space with a differnt function but I think it is a shame that it will be enclosed by other modern buildings because you loose its massive scale without the empty spae around it.


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